I've been on the Body for Life diet now since November 6th. Spent almost two months in the sandbox before I finally hunkered down and got serious about shedding some of this extra weight I've been packing on since Amy & I got married. I mean, let's face it: there comes a time in a man's life where the terms "cute baby fat" and "a pudgy little teddy bear" no longer apply. I was weighing in at a hefty 215 when I left last August. I knew I was living large...how could I not? Some people like to try and justify their weight or excuse their eating habits by saying things like, "Oh, I'm just big boned." Bullshit. Dinosaurs are big boned. You're fat. Or "Well, I'm just a little heavy." Again, bullshit. Aircraft carriers are heavy. You're fat. These cutesy little PC euphemisms are just brain fodder for the lazy no-load who doesn't have the self-discipline to put down that ninth Krispy Kreme, push his fat-ass away from the table and get outside and run a few miles.
So in keeping with the spirit of calling a spade a spade and all, I was getting pretty FAT there for a hot minute myself. But I want y'all to know that I know that and I'm through lying to myself. Much like that fourth Twinky, lies are bad for you. They rationalize your situation in your own mind and beget complacency. That said, I've changed my way of thinking and my habits. I've sorted out my priorities and am now a full-fledged, four-alarm, neurotic health nut. (Okay, maybe not neurotic, but I watch what I eat.)
Like I said, I weighed about 215 before I left. Looking a pictures from my going away party -- remember? Everyone shaved my head? -- I was looking every ounce of that 215, too. Not too attractive there, Tubby. So, I vowed to myself (and my wife) that I would come home thin. At first I told her I'd come home "thinNER," but c'mon....who was I trying to bullshit here? You have to BE thin to get thin-NER. Bottom line: I just had to lose some serious poundage, so finally I just said I'd come home thin.
Amy, I'm making good on my promise!
Today I jumped on the scale at the Zone 1 Gym and I have to admit, I was a little nervous. I started on the BFL diet but once I hit 195 (20 pounds!) I started to cheat a little here and there. Not gorging on sweets or going overboard with snacks or anything -- I just let the rigidness of the program slide a little bit, but I watched my portions and kept the workout routine going. That's what I'm doing today. I'm just trying to maintain my weight and get healthy. I'll have a treat or two every now and then, but I'm not camped out in front of the candy table like a couple of the other fat asses around here. So anyway, back to my story....
I get on the scale this afternoon and, like I said, I was a little anxious. Not sticking exactly to the BFL diet had me worried. Imagine my surprise when I hop on it in PT gear, look down, and the scale reads 188. One hundred eighty-eight pounds! I haven't weighed that much (or, more accurately, that little) since....geesh, I can't remember when. Three more and I'll have lost 30 pounds!! Crazyness. Absolutely crazy. I couldn't believe it. Needless to say I'm pretty happy about my progress. I'm going to try and get those last three pounds gone before I head back home in 47 days, but if I can squeeze out another five and make it down to 180, I'll definitely make a go of it.
So that's my story for today. And I’m stickin’ to it. Like my diet.
Eat your heart out, Fabio.
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