...and goll darnit! People like me!
Last night I got to meet Al Franken, the guy who played Stuart Smalley on SNL back in the day. Yeah, I don't care much for his politics -- he's an ultra-left-wing liberal -- but he cares enough to come visit us out here in the desert during the holidays, so he's okay in my book. Him, a couple Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, some model that was on the cover of FHM Magazine about a year ago, and a few country singers whose names I can't remember came out and put on a show a did a little autograph signing for us. It was pretty cool.
Felt kinda bad for one of the country singers there. The only one any of us (pictured at right: CDR Aaron Bresnahan, me, CDR Kurt Wendelken, the model chick and Al) were interested in meeting was Al Franken, so once we got our pic taken and shook his hand we were pretty much outta there. But there was a country singer to CDR B's right (who's cropped out of the pic) who was sitting there and he leaned over while we were BS'in after the pic, not paying any attention to him, who said, "Hey buu-ddy, want mah pic-ture, too?" So, of course we had to take it. Poor bastard. Sucks going to a place and nobody knows who the hell you're supposed to be.
Not much else to report except....75 days and I'm gone! Woo-hoo!!
Edit: The unknown singer in question was Darryl Worley. Sorry if I was supposed to know that.
1 comment:
Nice picture, hun - and I see that you must have gotten that magazine that is in your hand from the model-eh? BUSTED!!! haha. That's like saying "yah, mom I'm just hanging out with the youth group" and having a picture show up of you with a cigarette in your hand. Nice:)
I luuuuuuv Uuuuuuu!!!
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