Got another box today. This time it was just the Navy running suit I ordered, but last week was huge for mail. The pic you see here is The Boss and me opening up this fat care package I got from this group of volunteers back home called "Iowa's Bravest." (www.iowasbravest.org) A bunch of people from my hometown get together and send out gift packages to deployed soldiers, sailors, Marines & airmen all over the globe. Good peeps, yo. They, along with Amy's MOPS group in Fort Worth, Amy, Mom & Suzanne all sent something last week, so I was stacked pretty fat with mail. It was great. Everybody here was jealous. I told 'em not to hate the player...
Just got back from Camp Ali Al Salem. What a shithole. If you want to know what it's like, think back to the last time you were in the desert (or on a beach...pick a sandy area) and saw a few thousand tents lined up all over the place. And then add about five dozen busses being driven by TCNs -- Third Country Nationals: non Kuwaiti, non American Indians (dot, not feather) and other foreigners from places like Pakistan, Turkmenistan, and any other -stan you can imagine -- a few thousand hum-vees, and a few thousand military people all packed into an area of approximately 20 square miles, and you'll have a pretty good idea of what Ali Al Salem is like. I'd drop the ol' "nice place to visit, but..." cliche here, but I'd be a damn liar.
Not much else on the radar for today. Just a hail & farewell for the Navy captain we have leaving in a few days. They planned a real rager, too. Dinner at the Zone 6 ("Tent City") DFAC (that's what the Army calls the galley, by the way), with cake & "near beer." I hope I can contain my excitement.
1 comment:
Hi Matt! I love the blog! It's a great way for you to let a lot of people know what you're up to over there. I love you!!! Make a sand castle for me!!
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