Ladies & Germs, my time here is just about up. According to my little time-counter I have just about 128 hours left onboard Camp Arifjan. For those of you bad at long division, that translates into just over four days. This time next week I’ll be waking up in my own bed next to my beautiful wife, probably by my two darling little girls. Please believe when I say I can’t wait.
This deployment has been an eye-opener for me. I’ve gotten to see how the senior leadership deals with issues and how their decisions affect how business is conducted at my level. It’s been educational and I’ve learned a lot. But as we Gen-X’ers say, “It’s been real, it’s been fun...but it hasn’t been real fun.” I got my little award and my eval’s been signed, so I’m ready to raise up outta here.
That said, this will be my last post in this blog before I head home. Not that it’s been real entertaining or eventful, but for those of you who’ve taken the time to read it from time to time, thank you. I’ll see you in a couple of days. Better start hydrating now...
That’s what the poster said. And they weren’t kiddin’ neither, son.
Just got back from Djibouti and Ethiopia (Africa) on my very last trip as the Aide De Camp last weekend. It’s not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. Their accommodations there aren’t too awful bad. Plus, they have beer and that’s always a bonus. Africa was the last continent on the planet (besides Antarctica) that I had to visit in my Navy travels. Can't say the Navy engages in false advertising.
Incidentally, when I was a kid and didn’t want to eat something during supper time, one of my mom’s favorite sayings was, “You eat that! There are starving kids in Ethiopia who would DIE to eat what’s on your plate!” Well, I looked while I was in Ethiopia (see pic at right) and didn’t find a single one, Mom. Your pants are on fire.
18 days and a wake up now, kids! I got my wish and have been relegated to a corner desk in the back office (Sustainment Division), forgotten. And I get Saturdays off. Yay! Three weeks from today I’ll be sleeping in my own bed at home in Fort Worth. Can’t wait!